Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Parents Fears Of Immunization For Their Children Essay

Parents Fears of Immunization for their Children Parents there are a lot of different opinions to rather or now vaccinate their children. Parents also do a lot of research regarding the vaccines. Being that vaccine is a preventative agent that helps protect from disease like smallpox, hepatitis, and TB test is weakened antibodies trying to make a defense of immunity to the disease that you may come in contact with. There are also many other immunization that parents need to research about that are also important for a child to receive to help with preventative health care. Some parents chose to delay or just not vaccinate their child completely due to there are concerned about allergic reactions, side effects of the vaccine long term for their child, personal reason, and religious belief. Parents have fear regarding vaccines and what they will do to their children. But vaccines are a very important aspect of life. The fear come from on being educated on the vaccines a lot of parents fear the vaccines more than the children fear being poke with a needle. As a healthcare professional when you educate parents on vaccinations it is your responsibility to listen to parents’ fears, concerns, and beliefs about vaccinating their children. The most common misunderstanding comes from websites that are not accredited, blogs, and other unsubstantiated accounts from other parents. Some parents who chose not to vaccinate believe that it will harm their child because of theseShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion With Childhood Immunization Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesUniversity Online Health Promotion with Childhood Immunization Adherence One of the many health goals for society is to reduce both the prevalence of communicable disease and to decrease the risk of infant and childhood morbidity and mortality. There is an association between appropriate vaccination and improved health outcomes. 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